Fire & Life Safety

Commercial Fire Alarm Systems

Maximise fire safety and protect your business with RACAM’s commercial fire alarm systems. Arrange your free survey with one of our fire alarm system specialists today.

What is a commercial fire alarm system?

A commercial fire alarm system is a specialised fire safety system designed for businesses and commercial properties. It detects signs of a fire, such as smoke or heat, and triggers alarms to alert occupants and emergency services swiftly, reducing the risk of injury, damage, and business disruption.

What are the legal requirements for a fire alarm in the UK?

The legal requirements for a fire alarm in the UK are that all business premises must have “an appropriate fire detection system.” This means there should be a reliable way to detect fires quickly and alert people in the building without any difficulty when a fire occurs.

How much does a fire alarm system cost in the UK?

The cost of a fire alarm system in the UK can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the size of the building, the type of system (addressable, analogue, conventional fire alarm systems), and specific requirements.

On average, for a small to medium-sized commercial property, you can expect to pay anywhere from £1,000 to £5,000 for a basic system. However, larger or more complex installations in larger buildings can cost more, ranging from £10,000 to £20,000 or higher. To get a specific quote, arrange a free survey with one of our advisors.

What is a wireless fire alarm system?

A wireless fire alarm system is a type of fire safety system that doesn’t rely on traditional wired connections. Instead, wireless fire alarm systems use wireless technology to communicate between the various components of the system, such as smoke detectors, heat sensors, and the central control panel.

This wireless communication allows for easier installation, flexibility, and scalability, making it a practical choice for both new and existing buildings. When a fire is detected, wireless fire alarm systems quickly send signals to the central control panel, triggering alarms and ensuring a swift response to the emergency.

Are wireless fire alarm systems any good?

Yes, wireless fire alarm systems are effective and reliable. They offer several advantages, such as easier installation, adaptability to various building types, and the ability to expand or modify the system as needed without the constraints of wired connections. Wireless fire alarm systems use robust wireless technology, ensuring rapid communication between components.

However, the choice between a wired and wireless system should be based on the specific requirements of your building and your safety needs. Wireless systems are a good option when they align with your building’s layout and your overall fire safety strategy.

How much does a wireless fire alarm system cost?

The cost of a wireless fire alarm system can vary based on factors like the size of the building, the number of sensors and devices needed, and the system’s complexity. On average, you can expect to pay between £2,000 to £6,000 for a basic wireless fire alarm system for a small to medium-sized building. Larger or more complex installations can range from £7,000 to £15,000 or more. It’s essential to get a customised quote from a fire safety professional to determine the precise cost tailored to your specific requirements and building size.

What are the different types of fire alarm systems in the UK?

In the UK, there are three main types of fire alarm systems: conventional, addressable, and analogue.

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    Conventional Fire Alarm Systems: These are basic and cost-effective systems that divide a building into zones to detect a fire. When a fire is detected in a zone, the alarm sounds to indicate a general area of concern.

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    Addressable Fire Alarm Systems: These systems provide specific information about the location of a fire. Each device within the system has a unique address, allowing for precise identification of the affected area.

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    Analogue Fire Alarm Systems: These systems continuously monitor environmental changes and are highly sensitive to potential fires. They are often used in complex or high-value settings.

What are L1 L2 L3 fire alarm systems?

L1, L2, and L3 are fire alarm system categories used to classify the level of protection they offer:

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    L1 Fire Alarm System: This provides the highest level of protection. It covers the entire building and offers early fire detection in every part of the premises. L1 systems are commonly found in large, complex structures such as shopping malls or high-rise buildings.

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    L2 Fire Alarm System: L2 systems provide intermediate protection. They typically focus on high-risk areas where fires are more likely to start. Other areas may have a reduced level of coverage. L2 systems are suitable for medium-sized buildings.

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    L3 Fire Alarm System: These systems offer the least amount of coverage and are often used in smaller buildings with a low fire risk. They are cost-effective and provide basic protection for essential areas.

The choice of system depends on the specific needs and risks of the building or premises in question.

What is the main panel of a fire alarm system?

The main panel of a fire alarm system is a central unit that receives information from various detectors and sensors placed throughout a building. When these detectors sense smoke, heat, or a fire-related issue, they send a signal to the main fire alarm panel. If the main fire alarm panel confirms a fire or threat, it triggers alarms, alerts, and sometimes, emergency services to ensure a rapid response and the safety of occupants.

What are the two types of fire alarm control panels?

There are two main types of fire alarm control panels: conventional and addressable.

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    Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel: This control panel type divides a building into zones and indicates which zone has a triggered alarm. It’s suitable for smaller spaces.

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    Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel: Addressable control panels provide specific information about the exact location of a triggered alarm, making them ideal for larger or more complex buildings.

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